Ok Juhyun has attracted interest with a photo proving her closeness to Girls' Generation.
In the early hours of August 29, Ok Juhyun uploaded two photos to her personal Twitter with the message, "The Girls' Generation flower is in full blossom at the LG Art Center."
In the photos were Girls' Generation members Tiffany, Yuri, and Seohyun dressed in casual attire as they smiled brightly and posed cutely with head pieces used in the musical.
Ok Juhyun also displayed true high fashion while she stood between the Girls' Generation members, as she appeared to have just come off stage with her makeup and a blue top that covered her shorts.
Netizens reacted by saying that it was, "The meeting of past and present fairies", "Her face doesn't feel out of place amongst Girls' Generation" and that, "The Ok Juhyun flower is also in full blossom."
Let's break this down simply, K-Pop = Korean pop. Pop music is a genre; therefore K-Pop can be called a genre of music. Despite this, I have seen the term used many times to describe much more than just the music and this got me thinking: Is K-Pop more than just a genre?
When we look at K-Pop we initially see the addictive music, the amazing dance choreography, and let's be honest, the incredibly good looking stars. But there is so much more to this "world" than just the performances.
Let’s first look at endorsements. Other than actors, who else are used so much for endorsements as K-Pop idols? They will endorse the kinds of things that you wouldn’t expect them to. Shout out to all those who know how much Onew loves the chicken (I know some of you get this joke)! Another example is during an episode of “We Got Married” with Seohyun from SNSD, on Yongseo's 22nd day annivesary, where Yuri was holding up a sign saying there was an urgent need for blood type A donation.
The significance of this is because of the staggering amount of products K-Pop stars endorse. Even if someone doesn’t know their music, they will recognize their faces. This brings K-Pop into the culture’s spotlight and merges the musical world with the everyday consumer. Look, for example, at the promotions of the Lollipop phone. There is not just one song (2NE1 and Big Bang) promoting it, but two songs (Big Bang)!
Then we have the television and movie appearances. On variety shows such as "Star Golden Bell" or "Running Man," you will always see K-Pop stars rubbing shoulders with television and/or movie stars. They are in no way below the actors or comedians on the scale of fame, especially considering some idols act as well (ex: T-ara’s Eunjung, Miss A’s Suzy, Big Bang’s TOP, to name but a few). Yes, K-Pop idols aren’t just amazing singers and dancers - they act too! But that’s not even the full extent; we then have radio shows run by idols such as Super Junior’s “Kiss The Radio.”
K-Pop stars are also made ambassadors of places or charities. They really have permeated culture through their music, and the idols can be found anywhere, to an extent they can’t just be called singers. Look at Yoon Eun Hye for example. She was a singer in the group Baby V.O.X and through dramas such as "Coffee Prince", "Lie To Me," and "Goong," she has moved on to become a very famous actress, not to mention a well sought after model.
K-Pop has become more than a genre to some: it has become a word that describes a whole culture of talented individuals, and to some even a lifestyle. If you look in forums such as Soompi’s or on sites like Tumblr, you will find very rich and entertaining parts of the fandom that dedicate more than just a few minutes to listening to a song. Whole blogs are made in dedication to their favorite stars, even some where you can ask an idol a question and someone will draw an entertaining picture as a response in the voice of that idol. There are inside jokes, fantasy couples (a.k.a. “shipping”), and a multitude of fan fiction. Fans adore these groups and spend so much time watching, reading, or listening to them that they feel much more connected than just as a fan.
Why is K-Pop more than a genre to me? I feel like the word is too small for the fandom. The sheer magnitude of it shows that it’s become more than the music. It’s no longer just a genre - K-Pop has become a lifestyle to some.
By the way, if you do not already know about Tumblr, or have one already, here are some that I personally follow and am constantly entertained by. These are just a couple of MANY Tumblr blogs dedicated to the world, or universe, of K-Pop. http://imkdramaobsessed.tumblr.com/ (All about Kdramas) http://epitoneproductions.tumblr.com/ (Amazing Kpop remixes) http://koreanphotoshoots.tumblr.com/ (All about Korean photoshoots) http://fyeahkoreanstars.tumblr.com/ (Focusing on Korean stars.) http://askseungri.tumblr.com/ (Ask "Seungri" (fan run, not actually Seungri,) a question and he will reply with a picture!
And of course for a giant directory of Kpop related blogs go to http://kpopdirectory.tumblr.com/ to look for specific groups or artists. *Note: The content of this article represents views and policies solely of the writer, and in no way represents the editorial stance of Soompi.com or the whole editorial board.
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If you're in Korea and you want to buy some affordable cosmetics, you won't head to your local pharmacy to check out the designated beauty aisle. What you'll probably do is head to the nearest Missha, Face Shop, or Etude House chain store and allow a sales assistant to help you select some items suitable for you. In this series, I'll cover the major beauty shops: their concepts, bestsellers, and of course, which celebrities endorse them. For this edition, I'll discuss Korea's first nature-conscious cosmetics brand, Innisfree, which is currently fronted by SNSD's YoonA.
Innisfree provides an almost guilt-free buying experience for even the most indulging shopper. The ingredients are natural and the packaging is eco-friendly. Since 2003, the brand has been deeply involved in environmental activism, starting campaigns to promote recycling and other green practices. If that's not enough to sway you, they also pursue something called "ethical consumption" -- meaning that they offer quality products at affordable prices. So you can feel good about these products!
To this end, Innisfree extends their concept by choosing spokesmodels who are renowned for their natural beauty. The reigning model is YoonA, who has released a number of CFs and even a single for the company. I like these CFs -- they're well-made and really show what the brand is all about!
Past models include Moon Geun Young, Nam Sang Mi, and of course, Korea's queen of natural beauty, Song Hye Gyo. Here's the latter in a simple but lovely CF.
Many of the ingredients in Innisfree's skincare and cosmetics are sourced from pristine Jeju Island, and these are the items that tend to sell the best. Perhaps the top bestseller is the Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask (also titled the Scoria Pore Clay Mask), which comes in two formulations, clay and powder. (Ignore the misleading names -- they are both made with clay.) A saleslady told me that the clay formulation is the more popular, probably because it's more convenient and cheaper than the powder. The powder must be mixed with water before use, and costs 15,000 won ($14 US) compared to the clay formulation's 12,000 won ($11 US). Why would anyone buy it? Because the powder is supposed to be more effective at absorbing excess sebum. Plus, you can control the consistency of the product based on what your skin requires.
I bought the mask in its more popular form. Either way, it can be applied to clean, just-toned skin and rinsed off after 10-15 minutes to cleanse your pores and brighten your skin tone. If you have acne, you can also spot apply it before you sleep and rinse it off in the morning. I've never had good experience with clay masks because they tend to dry out my skin. However, this one felt very mild, with none of the uncomfortable tightening sensation that so often results in flaky and/or irritated skin. Actually, I had gone hiking earlier that day and returned home as red as a tomato. (In retrospect, was a clay mask really the best idea for sunburned skin? Probably not.) But the mask didn't exacerbate the condition, as you might expect. Instead, when I rinsed it off, the redness was gone! (And I'd been red enough that one stranger actually told me, "Wow, your face is really red! You should go buy some lotion and do something about it!" Thanks for the beauty advice, old man I don't even know!)
Other bestsellers include:
The Green Tea Seed Serum: This is a moisturizing serum made from organic green tea seeds from Jeju Island, which is said to be as light as water but with great moisturizing properties. It's meant to be applied after cleansing and toning (if you like, you can follow the green tea line's eight-step sequence). 22,000 won ($21 US).
Olive Real Power Cream: For this product, Innisfree strayed from their Jeju roots and turned instead to the Greek island of Crete, which is known for olive production. This cream delivers intense moisture thanks to its extra virgin olive oil. The moisturizing properties are said to last up to 24 hours. Wow! 18,000 won ($17 US).
Even though Innisfree's bestselling products are skincare items, they also carry a full range of cosmetics, in as many colors and formulations as you could ask for. Check it out -- teal lipgloss, anyone? (Don't worry, even these lipglosses are eco-friendly and contain natural ingredients from Jeju.)
As anyone who's ever shopped for makeup in Korea should know, you usually get a freebie when you make a purchase. What you get appears to be at the discretion of the saleslady. I noted that last time I visited Etude House, I received a box of cotton pads and a deflated beach ball. This time around, even though I bought less, I got luckier. I got more cotton pads (man, I have almost a lifetime supply now!), as well as samples of the Olive Real Body Lotion and the White Up Tone Lotion set.
See you next week!
Baru saja, MV dance version Visual Dreams oleh Girls’ Generation diupload di youtube.
Cek video di bawah ini!
Juga, cek video lain yang ada bersamaan dengan MV
SNSD – Intro + Intel Bong – Korean version (Yoona)
SNSD – Intro + Intel Bong – Chinese version (Hyoyeon)
SNSD – Intro + Intel Bong – English version (Tiffany) SNSD – Visual Dreams MV BTS
Di awal tahun ini, official Music Video visual dreams diupload. Pastikan untuk memeriksa kembali MV di bawah ini!
Girls’ Generation Visual Dreams (Intel Collaboration Song) Music Video
Member Girls’ Generation Sooyoung baru-baru ini mendapat perhatian karena tinggi badannya, kaki, dan tubuhnya yang ramping secara keseluruhan.
Belum lama ini, komunitas online menerbitkan sebuah posting berjudul ”‘Girls’ Generation Sooyoung, Designer kaki Membuat Foto Sponsor Terlihat Seperti Foto Pemotretan”, bersama dengan fotonya.
Dalam foto, Sooyoung berpose mengenakan atasan tube model rok mini hitam, dengan rangkaian model jala panjang di belakangnya
Atasan gaun tube menunjukkan lekuk tulang yang tajam, sedangkan garis rok pendek menekankan kakinya yang indah.
Netizens yang melihat foto meninggalkan berbagai komentar yang terbaca, “imej rampingnya adalah benar-benar terbaik”, ”Kaki yang diinginkan, aku cemburu”, dan ”Dia membuat gaun itu tampak berharga.”
Sumber: Nate
Diterjemahkan (Inggris) oleh: ch0sshi@soshified.com
Diedit oleh: JeremyJay22@soshified.com
DIterjemahkan (Indonesia) oleh : radith@snsdaily.com
Baru saja, sebuah video CF Woongjin coway yang baru dengan menampilkan member Girls’ Generation telah dupload ke Youtube dan telah menyebar cepat seperti api melalui berbagai forum online.
Cek video tersebut di bawah ini!
Mari Kita doakan SooYoung yg kemarin baru saja kecelakaan.
Sooyoung kecelakaan saat dia dalam perjalanan menuju acara amal untuk orang buta di Chun An Menurut media setempat, kendaraan yang ditumpangi Sooyoung ditabrak mobil dari arah jalur berlawanan. Kecelakaan tersebut disebabkan pengemudi mobil yang ceroboh.
Akibat kecelakaan itu, Sooyoung didiagnosa mengalami patah tulang punggung. Dokter meminta Sooyoung menangguhkan seluruh kegiatannya agar bisa beristirahat lebih lama dan fokus pada pemulihan.
Dengan demikian, Sooyoung kemungkinan besar tidak akan tampil dalam acara 'SM Town Live' di Tokyo pada 2 September mendatang, serta konser SNSD di Taiwan. Sebelumnya SNSD sendiri baru saja tampil di acara 'K-Pop All Star Live in Niigata' pada 20 Agustus 2011 lalu.
Telah diupload di Youtube sebuah audio versi studio ”Hei Mickey” yang ditampilkan oleh Girls’ Generation pada Gayo Festival, Desember, 30 2007 lalu.
Periksa audio di bawah ini!
Hyoyeon mengungkapkan perilaku individualistis Min kuat 27 Agustus dengan klip video " "Declaration of Freedom Saturday - Secret".Video itu menunjukkan Hyoyeon, "Aku begitu malu untuk pergi keluar dengan Min Jika ia mendengar musik, maka secara otomatis mulai menari.. Jangan Anda berpikir sedikit banyak, membuat tarian Beyonce di jalan ?"ia menambahkan, "Harap periksa perilaku anda yang menarik perhatian, "menyebabkan tawa dalam permainan. Setelah menonton video, Min mengatakan, " biasanya saya tak peduli tentang mata orang lain biasanya bertindak tanpa ragu-ragu "Shin Bongsun melanjutkan mereproduksi perilaku Min , menyebabkan Min menjadi janji malu, " Aku akan mencoba untuk tidak bertindak seperti keluar ini sekarang ".
Girls’ Generation Tiffany telah dipilih untuk menjadi aktris dalam drama musikal “Fame”.
Tiffany akan mulai tampil dalam pembukaan musikal pada tanggal 25 November di Seoul Olympic Park Woori Financial Art Hall. Dalam “Fame” dia akan memainkan peran sebagai Carmen Diaz, seorang gadis yang bercita-cita menjadi bintang walaupu hanya sebentar dengan suaranya sendiri.
Broadway musikal “Fame” pertama diarahkan pada tahun 1980 di bawah pengawasan Alan Parker, menggunakan film dengan nama yang sama sebagai permulaan.
Film ini mengikuti mimpi dan cinta dari murid yang ltelah melalui audisi yang sulit di PA yang sangat terkenal, sebuah sekolah yang mengkhususkan diri dalam seni pertunjukan.
Selain Tiffany, Son Hoyoung (dari g.o.d), Super Junior Eunhyuk, The Grace Lina, dan TRAX Jungmo akan menjadi bagian dari susunan bintang idola yang akan berpartisipasi dalam musikal.
Selain Tiffany, sesama anggota Girls’ Generatiom Taeyeon dan Jessica telah berpartisipasi masing – masing dalam “Midnight Sun” dan “Legally Blonde”.
Apakah Anda tertarik untuk menyaksikan penampilan Tiffany dalam “Fame”?
Source: Star In
Ditulis oleh: SeraphKY@soshified.com
Diterjemahkan Indonesia oleh : radith@snsdaily.com